Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bath TIme Fun??

So today I was giving Mila a bath after her nap. I got everything ready like I normally do, took of her diaper and placed her in her bath tub. I reached over for the little water cup when all of a sudden she poops. I got a little freaked out because it caught me off guard. So I take her out of the tub, put a new diaper on her, place her on my bed and start cleaning the poop out of the tub. I get the tub nice and clean and proceed with her bath. Everything is going great and I am almost done rinsing her and then all of a sudden she poops in the water. All I could do was crack up. From now on I will be on guard when I give her a bath. I sure do love my little poop monster.


Claudia Luckey said...

that's hilarious.hahahha babies poop so much

Chrissy said...

haha, gotta love it