Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Why did some lady think it's okay to ask me if Mila was my child, and then point out that I have such dark eyes (and you know she wanted to say dark skin)? It's kind of annoying! I'm the one that carried her for almost 10 months and I'm pretty sure I'm entitled to some credit. Thanks, stupid lady for making me sad.


Jen Proffit said...

What an idiot. That's so dumb for her to say, Plus, She looks a ton like you. People need to think before they talk. You are beautiful and so is your baby. That's all that matters.

Chrissy said...

Just because she has light skin, doesn't mean she doesn't look like you. Your baby pictures are twinsies!

Katie said...

That's crazy! She may not have your coloring but she looks just like you!