Well guys, the day has come and it's finally time to meet our little girl. I had been struggling with the decision to deliver vaginally or by c -section. I have had two Dr. tell me that they don't think that I would be able to delivery normally due to my unfavorable pelvis.
I kinda felt that I would be missing out on the whole birth experience by choosing to go the c-section route but I have come to realize that it's not worth the stress or the harm that I can cause myself or the baby. I am now past my due date and haven't progressed past 1/2 cm. My amniotic fluid is at an 8.5 and the normal range is between 8-20, so it's starting to get low. After leaving the Dr. office yesterday and talking to my Dr., Mike and my mom I really felt that this is the best option for me and our little girl.
I am not looking forward to the recovery but millions of people do it and I know I will be fine. I know I will have tons of help from my loving husband, mom, sister, mother- in- law and friends. I have such a great support circle that I know I'm in good hands. It is so weird to think that tonight will be the last night that Mike and I go to bed alone. It's not going to be just about us anymore. I feel a little overwhelmed but I'm so excited to meet this little gift from God. We can't wait to meet you Mila. Love Mommy and Daddy.