Monday, July 27, 2009

Nap time with Daddy

I love these two!!

I love this girl!!

I love having this little girl around. We have so much fun together. We don't do much but my day is a million times better with her. I love her sweet smile and all the cute little noises she makes. Mila you are my favorite little girl in the whole wide world. XOXO

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Today Mila had her first round of vaccination. I was really worried that she would have a negative reaction to the DPT vaccine because the same shot caused Mike to go into anaphylactic shock when he was her age. So, to be on the safe side I dragged Mike's mom with me to our appointment so she could explain our concerns with the Dr. The Dr. explained to us that there was a 10% chance that Mila would experience the same problem that Mike had when he was a baby. He felt confident in giving her the full dose, so Mila got her DPT shot and there were no negative reactions....few! She did develop a fever, but with the help of Tylenol her fever broke and she's back to her normal self. The Dr. wanted to give Mila 3 other injections but Marylin and I decided that it would be best to split them up so that there weren't so many foreign things going into her body all at once. I am so glad everything turned out the way they did.

So now lets talk about my little Chub-a-roo's growth...

Height: 22 1/2 inches % 50
Weight: 13 pounds 8 oz % 95
Head: 15 1/2 inches % 50

Basically, my girl loves to eat. Haha!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I just picked up my M.A.C. Look in a Box: Sweet Tease set and I L-O-V-E it!! The blush is my absolute favorite, it has the perfect hint of pink and gold. Now I just need to find an excuse to put make up on and get dolled up. I love being a girl.