This picture just looks so funny!!
Waiting for their turn
Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...Happy birthday dear Mila...
Mommy and Mila
We had a great party!!! Now it was time to set up for my Madison's birthday party.
Opening her first birthday gift!!! She didn't waste anytime.
We had a successful 1st birthday thanks to all of my friends and family. The only glitch I had was that I only took a handful of pictures. :( During all the fun it didn't occur to me that I should be snapping away. Mike was using the video camera so I'm hoping that we got some good footage. Other than that we had a blast!!!
I honestly can't thank my Heavenly Father enough for sending us our beautiful baby. We are truly blessed!!! We love you baby girl!!!
Happy Birthday to my favorite girl in the whole entire world!!!!