Hey guys!! My Professor from Chapman

University is doing a study on couples in romantic relationships. The purpose of this study is to examine howromantic partners engage in and

perceive ongoing, unresolved conflict with one another.
Romantic couples who participate will visit a location on-campus together
to engage in a brief discussion and then fill out a survey separately. (Mike and I filled them out at home and then I dropped of the study at her office, she will also let you email the study as an attachment if you can't make it down there) Participation should take approximately one hour ( It didn't take that long at all).
To qualify for this study, you and your romantic partner must meet the
following initial criteria:
1. You must both be 18 years of age.
2. You must both be in a romantic relationship (whether dating, engaged, or
married) with one another for at least 6 months.
3. You must both be able to visit Chapman University to participate in the
study together. (or email them to her)
To determine if you qualify for this study and to schedule an appointment
to participate, please email Dr. Jennifer Bevan at