It has taken me ALL day to finish all our laundry. I can't believe how bad I had let it get. The picture, I found on line, is supposed to represent how much laundry I had X's 4. It was an absolute joke how much there was. It probably doesn't help that I keep dirty laundry in 3 different places like our closet, our bathroom and our laundry room. If I only see one basket full I think to myself, "oh that's not to bad, I can deal with that later." I really need to stop thinking like that our else I'm going to find myself in that situation all over again. I am so exhausted!! I never want to see another basket of laundry/hangers ever again.
that's pretty much what i'm going to have to deal with today. ehh luckey has sooo much clothes
wait till the baby comes. You'll go through five outfits a day. Its crazy how much laundry those little things make
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