Don't you love when you get a great deal on an item you've been eyeing? I sure do!! Next week we are taking a trip to Tombstone, AZ to go and visit Mike's grandpa for the 4th of July and I don't want to take my bugaboo because it's kinda bulky and a little on the pricey side. I can just picture leaving the bugaboo outside and someone snagging it. This scenario has been playing over and over in my head so I decided to take action. I was on the hunt for a umbrella stroller and I found a used Maclaren on craigslist for $30, which sounded like a good deal to me. I emailed the person and was waiting for a response but got kinda inpatient (I had been waiting a total of 45 min.) so I decided to go to Babies R us and check out the stroller's there. To my surprise I found the Maclaren Volo stroller on Clearance

It was on clearance for $109 and then Babies r us was offering an extra 25% off. I kept going back and forth trying to figure out if I really wanted to spend $85 on it considering I had not heard back from the craigslist person. I then realized that it was the last stroller. So I decided to put it in my cart and take it home with me. I decided if I heard from the craigslist persona and the stroller was available I would return the stroller back to babies r us. So I get up to the register and I'm about to make my purchase when I remembered that I had stuffed a 20% coupon in my bag right before I left the house. I didn't think I was going to be able to use it because the stroller was already on sale but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask, so I did. And I was able to use my 20% off on top of the 25% that they were already offering. And on top of that I had my B.R.U reward points that I hadn't used and that was another $5 off. So I got a new stroller for
$61. I had no problem spending another $30 more for a brand new stroller with warranty. I love when things like this happen. This purchase REALLY made my day!! The stroller really drives well for an umbrella stroller and I've heard that they last a long time. I'm so excited to have a lightweight strollers that I can use when I'm going somewhere that isn't very stroller friendly (small stores/aisles/restaurants,etc.)and on short vacations. We are all happy campers. Mila L-O-V-E's it, I love my thriftiness and Mike likes my smart purchase.....Way to go, Me!!!