Dear January,
You have come and gone and I am so thankful for that! Never in my life have we (Mila, Mike and I) all been so sick. Mila got croup which then turned into Pneumonia, I had some sort of respiratory and ear infection and while Mike was taking care of us, he got sick too (btw, he's still fighting whatever bug he still has). Oh, did I mention that Mike also got into a car accident. We are still waiting to hear back from the insurance company on whether or not the car is totaled. The auto shop that his car is at thinks it's a loss cause. So needless to say January was NOT our favorite month, by all means. Let's just hope that February has some fun and exciting things to offer our family. As the month was wrapping up we were able to have some fun. We had a play date at our house with some of Mila's favorite friends. We visited the OC zoo for the first time and we also got to kidnap Mila's cousin, Madison, from Preschool, to have day a fun at Pretend City. So, I guess January wasn't a total loss.

These little girls are like 3 peas in a pod

Making new friends

Grooming, it's a good habit to have.

Monkey lovin

3....2.....1 We have lift off!

♫ The Sky's the Limit and you know that you can have what you want, be what you want ♫

♫ Beamer, Benz or Bentley ♫

♫ If you want it baby, you've got it
Just Bust A Move ♫