Ever since I became pregnant I have become a chronic snorer. I guess it's pretty normal in a pregnancy. It has something to do with higher levels of estrogen during a pregnancy that contribute to swelling in the mucous membranes lining the nose which can cause you to make more mucus ( I know gross, T.M.I).
Mike would wake me up in the middle of the night to tell me I was snoring (thanks boo). So I went out and bought some of the nose strips and they actually worked. I was wearing them every night and Mike was sleeping. The only problem I had was that the strips were so sticky that when I would take them off in the morning it was starting to peel pieces of my skin off...ouch!! So I decided to switch to the sensitive nose strips and those sucked!!! I would wake up in the morning and it would be stuck in my hair or stuck to my pillow case.
After loosing the battle with the nose strips I decided to buy a humidifier. The humidifier worked like a freakin CHARM!!! I had to fill it up every other night which was annoying but I had finally found something that worked until... I noticed that every time I was getting ready for bed I felt myself having trouble breathing. I was having to use my inhaler every night and sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night grabbing for my puffer. I finally realized that the humidifier caused the condensation to build up on my window and had caused mold to grow around the casing. Mold is pretty much deadly to someone who has asthma and I thought I was dying.
So needless to say I am snoring again and Mike isn't sleeping (sorry Boo). Well, last night when I was fast asleep Mike got me good. He called my cell phone and left me a message of me snoring and had me listen to it this morning. It was BAD!!! I didn't think it was humanly possible to make those kinds of noises. My poor Mikey needs his sleep so I found myself walking into Target this afternoon and buying myself some of those nose strips that rip off my skin so my husband can sleep. I should probably win the Amazing Wife Award for that purchase. Ha Ha!!!
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