Sunday, June 7, 2009


I found myself having a small break-down today when I burned dinner and filled our apartment up with smoke. I'm struggling to figure out how to keep the house in order, have something to eat when the hubby gets home, figure out what I can eat that doesn't upset the babies tummy, not look like a crazy bag lady or burn down our apartment while I attempt to cook dinner. I know it has only been three weeks since Mila was born/ surgery but I hate not having things in order or having things running smooth. I can't wait until I get the swing of things.


Chrissy said...

This will pass girl. Newborns are hard, but it gets easier for sure!

Jen Proffit said...

Just take each moment slowly try to enjoy it. She will be crawling and pulling stuff out of your cubbards before you know it. I have gotten to the point where dinner is a lean cuisine in the freezer (that way I don't burn anything) and we try to be out of the house before the kids have their usual 5 o'clock melt down :)SOOOOO Fun. My house will be clean and I will have it all in order when the kids move out.