Monday, February 15, 2010

9 Months Old

I can't believe how fast time has gone by. My little Mila is 9 months old and in a few more months she will be 1. Where has my itty bitty baby gone?? She has the sweetest spirit and is always so happy. Probably one of the happiest babies I know.
Here are 9 fun facts about my little Mila Monkey.
  1. She loves making new friends, especially with little kids and puppies
  2. A few words that she knows: Mama, Papa, Hi, bye, and up
  3. She loves sleeping in bed with Mike and I (I know it's going to haunt us later on but we love it)
  4. She loves Yo Gabba Gabba, Handy Manny and Disney Play house (or whatever it's called)
  5. She loves music and has some wicked dance moves
  6. She's very dramatic when she throws tantrums....She throws her head back, arches her back and acts like the world is coming to an end.
  7. Sometimes bath time is her best friend and other times it's her worst enemy.
  8. Favorite foods: Beans, rice, ground beef/taco meat, peach yogurt and gold fish
  9. Loves chewing on anything velcro and any kind of strap

My sweet baby Mila,

It's been so much fun having you around. You bring us so much Joy and we couldn't picture life without you. Your sweet smile melts daddy and my heart. You are the best thing that has happened to us . Momma and Papa love you!!

Mila's 9 month well visit went well and the Stats are in :

Height 28.5 inches 82%

Weight 20 lbs 12 0z 82%

Head 44.5 cm 66%

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

She really is so happy. She loves life, you can just tell!